
Saturday 15 September 2012

Hello Back , This blog last entry .

Hello back guys , it's been ages since the last update . I've been busy with my new world . For those who's reading , I'm busy writing a book (well not really a book) it's a fanfic actually , but whatever . Yeah it's in English . I know . My english is not that good to make such a book . Whataever . By the way , I got a lot of respons and I'm loving it. (well not a lot 0 but whatever . Haha . It's september . It's friggin september GUYS ! SEPTEMBER ! IDK , when was my last entry , february ? I knida miss this blog . The actual thing i opened it was my friend's blog . She (they) are writing an online novel . IDK , I don't read even half of it yet (I'm busy) Ouh whatver not like anyone is reading this . But writing ike this is fun besides writing my story i'm writing this acording what i want . It's not writing a story .

Like I said this may a goodbye entry becuse I'm busy with right now . My world or maybe twitter . So i'll posting my books and one shots cover because I want , what ever .

exciting , i know ! 

that's the link for my profile so you can select which you want (of course you don't care either) ahhaa
and this is for my friend's malay novel .

Ouh okay , that's all . buhbye .

Love ,

love , wany masen cullen , thanks for reading :3